Over the next 2 weeks there will be plenty of speculation the Federal Reserve will be raising interest rates. The truth is anything under a 2 percentage point increase is irrelevant. It will do nothing but add to their debt burden by making it a little more expensive to carry debt. Interest earned on deposits will only make a tiny improvement because financial institutions have a nasty habit of slowly moving up the rates, and usually at half the speed of debt charges rises.
There is no set rule what a fair interest rate is, however we believe 4% is a fair yield. This would still make loans affordable at around 6% and allows risk-free investors are properly rewarded. The truth is that if a person cannot afford to borrow at 6% then one should not borrow. This is just basic finance.
The Bank of Canada cut interest another 0.25% on July 15th. While the cut will help those with an oversized mortgage on an undersized condo, it is another slap in the face for those relying on their savings for income. Falling rates have created a flood of equity in the real-estate market that has made homeowners feel wealthy. “The wealth can be tapped by taking a loan against the equity”, so the story goes amongst the housing bulls. Taking the equity out of the house via a loan eliminates the equity on the spot because the cash is as good as spent since it is matched with a liability. Therefore, in order for the equity to create the true benefits of wealth in the economy, the asset must be sold or the borrowed funds must generate a return greater than the rate of interest being charged. I can guarantee that very few people do this. Today’s real-estate market has become nothing but a Ponzi scheme which, to quote Warren Buffett, “only when the tide goes out do you discover who is swimming naked.”
Toronto has a reported condo rental vacancy rate of 1.2%. This number does not include any vacant unit owned by investors which there is plenty of because investors are finding they cannot rent their unit to cover the mortgage payments, let alone the ever growing strata fees. A new condo tower in Yorkville (Toronto) is supposedly sold out to investors but most of them sit empty today because people cannot afford what the investors are asking.
A third of Canada’s population will be retired within the next 20 years. This is the demographic that has all the wealth. However, todays’ retirees are being forced to dip into their savings at a faster clip due to falling interest rates. Many are retiring with mortgage and credit card debt, and taking out those terrible Reverse Home Mortgages. They are also the biggest users of Pay-Day loans. Not surprising, seniors are the biggest sector declaring bankruptcy. Assuming savings amongst this demographic average $100,000, the current risk-free rate will earn them roughly $70 per month instead of the historical norm of $400. Multiply this sum by 10m Canadians and the benefits of higher interest rates will be exponential. Or, we can continue to hold the hands of those who were romanced into the largest mortgages in history and push forward an inevitable housing correction.
People like to point out that the cost of a mortgage has declined allowing for the homeowner to pay the principal faster. This would be correct in a fairy-tale economy but the average size of the mortgage has grown with house prices leaving the average mortgage term of 25 years unchanged. At the end of the day, the average price of a house is based on the amount of principal and interest combined a borrower can finance. When interest rates decline the consumer borrows more principal pushing up home prices in the process.
Both home ownership rates and consumer debt are at an all-time high. Eventually, demand will deteriorate and force prices down with it. Of course when the economy improves and rates start to move up many homeowners will find they cannot afford the higher interest charges. The higher the interest rates go, the greater the collapse in house prices that will occur. Either way, house prices are going to take a beating. Our leaders can accept the fact and begin to reward the saver and cause short-term pain in the housing market, or continue on today’s path and strangle those with the savings that are needed for a healthy economy.
Given we are now into election time and not one politician has the guts to be a proponent of higher interest rates, Canada is at least 2 years away before the economy can begin a sustained recovery. However, we can see the actual recovery being delayed until 2020 due to the huge outstanding debt. Returning interest rates to historical norms would force a much needed housing correction but generate a flood of cash into the economy at the same time. Would a risk-free rate of 4% which will generate higher passive income not benefit the economy more than accommodating a $500,000 mortgage on an overvalued home? Time will provide ample evidence that it would.
Houses price today bare little relationship to family income. The rule of thumb is to never pay more than 3 times family income. Today, due to zero interest rates, 4 times might be acceptable if the buyer has no other debt and some assets. In places like Toronto and Vancouver it is normal for people to pay a minimum 6 times income. This means once interest rates move higher many will lose their homes as they will not be able to afford the increase debt charges. Canadians are already stretched financially with $1.65 in debt for each dollar of income. This means no extra funds to spend, as any interest rate increase will consume additional disposable income.
One cost of owning a house is going to increase substantially in the years ahead will be electricity. Both Alberta and Ontario will be raising power rates for years to come. With rising energy prices the trend will be for smaller homes, meaning there is a potential for today’s large homes will become hard to unload in the years ahead. Unless the government allows a large number of immigrants into Canada there will be surpluses of homes for decades to come.
Similar to the U.S., Europe and all other Catholic countries, Canada has a birth rate under 2.1 per woman which creates a shrinking population without immigration. Canada’s fertility rate is 1.7. Even India, with improved education, has seen their fertility rate fall from 5 thirty years ago down to 2.4 today. The trend throughout most of Africa is also down due to better education. Only in the Middle East countries, parts of Africa and Bangladesh have high rates.
Today, zero interest rates are a boom for purchasers of homes. However, if the rates stay low much longer it will become a negative for housing. Specifically, it will cause the number of eligible buyers to dry up. How can anyone save enough money to put a down payment on a house when interest earned is less than 1%? If a family is lucky enough to have high paying jobs that allow for savings of $1,000 a month, which very few do, it will take roughly 8 years to save for a down payment of $100,000. In other words, house price must fall to meet the savings of tomorrow’s buyers.
If you are one of the many Boomers who are relying on the equity in their home for retirement, now is the time that you should consider selling. All indicators point to this summer being the peak of our housing bubble. For investors, if we are correct about the future, real estate will be a terrible investment. Real-estate investing today is an extremely high risk venture.