Ottawa’s carbon tax will have zero impact on our environment. This is a 100% tax grab. Prime Minister Trudeau states all carbon taxes collected will be returned to the taxpayer. Not a chance! This tax is just an excuse to build another set of bureaucracy which will be very expensive and continue to scare much needed investment away from Canada. In a speech Trudeau stated he wanted “little carbon”. Not once has he defined what he means by “little carbon”. All he sees is tax revenue.
It is competition amongst industry that cuts greenhouse gases (GHG). Competition makes fuel efficient autos and jet engines, builders are making homes more solid thereby cutting down on heat fuel. From land extraction to offshore mining, oil and mineral companies spend millions of dollars every year researching and creating new environmental technologies. Contrary to what anti-oilsands activists preach, the grounds leftover from tar sand extraction is cleaner and lusher.
Just a few things to ponder regarding climate change:
- What is a safe level of CO2? You will never get the same answer twice, except from a handful of protesters who flunked primary school science - they want zero. Without CO2 we would die.
- I have been in 4 provinces in 2018. I have noticed with all the new home construction probably 99.9% of the homes do not have any solar power. Why are the Greens not protesting this?
- Is today’s “global warming” a result of a long-term weather pattern that is repeating itself? The Russian Academy of Science’s, Pulkovo Observatory, in St. Petersburg, found using science, that the world has begun the next mini ice age based on the disappearing sun spots from the face of the sun. This occurred in the 1700's. The National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, the University of California, and Northumbria University (to name a few) have also confirmed this. Why have the Greens not disproved these findings?
- Hurricane Michael was the third worst in Florida history. The snow storm last month in Calgary was a repeat of a storm a hundred years ago. Today, every storm like these two are proof Green House Gases(GHG) are creating them, so say environmentalists. However, after each major storm the weather reporters will tell us the last time we had that same type of storm. In other words, this is nothing new, but rather Mother Nature repeating herself.
- Why are they not protesting about methane, hydrofluorocarbons, nitrogen trifluoride, or the use of lithium in batteries which are a worse poison than CO2?
- Why is there no protest about the global increase in the use of coal?
- The University of California’s, Berkley National Laboratory states since 2002 CO2 levels have hardly budged, even though we are pumping out more CO2 than ever.
- Why do the Greens not demand the more planting of trees? Trees are the cheapest and the most efficient means to soak up CO2.
- An article in Nature Geoscience stated “we (scientists) haven’t seen that rapid acceleration in warming after 2000 that we see in the models that were on the hot side leading to forecasts of warming and inundations of Pacific islands." Reality has been the Pacific Ocean is cooling, the Arctic ice is expanding, the polar bears are thriving, and temperatures did indeed stop climbing over the last 15 years. Where are the Greens telling us it is wrong?
- Average drought conditions across the US have varied since records began in 1895. The 1930s and 1950s saw the most widespread droughts, while the last 50 years have generally been wetter than average. US Environmental Protection Agency
All the Greens have succeeded in is trying to destroy Canada’s energy industry, which our Prime Minister clearly is content with. Businesses do not invest billions of dollars into projects that will last decades if they know will get shut down for whatever reason. Contrary to environmentalists, companies are the heart of innovation and without them we would not see advancements in environmental technology. Afterall, when was the last time the David Suzuki Foundation or Greenpeace invested a hundred million into innovation like the Suncor’s and Enbridge’s do nearly every year? The energy sector is one of the few groups that is trying to do their share to protect the environment and should not be taxed for doing so. All the carbon tax will accomplish is to make every Canadian poorer. The actions of the Toronto stock market confirm this. It is a disaster.