Track Record (March 1,2004-February 29,2024)


Past trades generated 39 wins and 4 losses.   31% of gains were received in dividends.

Past Recommendations Compound Annual Growth Rate:


Sacola Financial Ltd: 18.07% (Average holding period 3.25 years)

TSX: 4.6% CAGR (March 2004 to February 2024)  

DJIA: 6.8% CAGR (March 2004 to February 2024)   

Current recommendations have a dividend yield on invested capital ranging from 5% to 27%.



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Unanswered Questions

1.         Why are the experts not calling stock markets expensive? The Dow Jones Industrial average is trading 30% above this century’s average price earnings ratio and 45% above it 98 year record.  The S&P 500 index is trading just off its 118.3 year record high.  With the Toronto stock market trading at the same level as it was in September 2014, what damage is this doing to Canadian pension funds?

2.         Why are the Greens and the paid professional protesters not contradicting the recent finding that shows the world has begun the next ice age?  Why are there no protests over one of Canada’s biggest polluters - the drive-through?  Why is it that no Green or politician ever tells us what is a safe level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?  Our Fairy Tale Prime Minister stated he wants “little carbon”.  If little is too low the planet dies.  Why aren’t the Greens demanding the planting of more trees?  Trees are the cheapest and most efficient means of destroying CO2.  In return the trees give us our always needed oxygen.

3.         No one is questioning Statistics Canada about their monthly numbers regarding housing and Canada’s population.  Their numbers bear no relationship to what is taking place.  Where are the people coming from to fill up these new homes?  In many places across Canada old homes are being torn down and replaced with multiple homes on the same lots. 

Reported immigration and shrinking Canadian birth rate means there are too many houses.  Or is Ottawa allowing hundreds of thousands of people into the country and not reporting it?  Is it people buying 2nd and 3rd homes?  If so this means Canada has one of the largest numbers of millionaires.  It means household debt of 171% of family income is inaccurate.  If the 171% rate is correct why are Canadians adding to their debt when interest rates are set to go much higher over the next year?

Is the housing market an accident waiting to happen?  We beleive so.  Do not own any real estate bonds.  Make sure you buy only insured Guaranteed Investment Certificates to the allowable insured level of $100,000.

4.         Why is our Fairy Tale Prime Minister happy closing down the West to East Pipe-Line while at the same time transferring billions of dollars to his good friends in Saudi Arabia, Nigeria and Algeria - countries run by dictators with questionable human rights records? 

Business investment is dropping in Canada and this money is moving off shore where it is wanted.  Ottawa, British Columbia, Ontario and Quebec over the past year have told investors they are closed to energy sector investment.  Why are these four governments not asking why drilling rigs are leaving Canada for the U.S. where the work is?

5.         Why is Canada the only country in the world trying to meet the Paris Climate Agreement, when we will never get close to the target?  Most countries, like China, the U.S., and India do not even pretend they are trying.  I notice no one complains that every single day, thanks to the trade winds, we get CO2 pollution from China and India.

Today Canada is a leaderless country.  Most of those politicians in office today are 100% incompetent.  Canada is heading into a multi year deep recession unless we get new leadership with some knowledge of basic economics.