I have been fortunate to travel three to five months each year. Every time I return home I appreciate more of what a great country Canada is and what it has to offer. However, I recently returned from Europe and the Seychelles Islands. This time Canada has changed for the worst. The reason lies with one person: Justin Trudeau.
The sole purpose of democracy is honouring the rule of the law. Today our politicians have thrown this out the window. Court orders are meaningless. Protesters do whatever they want with no consequences. They enter private land to block trains by lighting pallets on fire. Meanwhile, trains pass within a few feet of these fires. Many are pulling tanker cars which could easily explode. On the other side of the track were police watching and doing nothing because that was their orders.
Change can only come from Parliament. We had an election five months ago. Not one protester or First Nation Hereditary Chief ran in the election. Yet, spineless Justin rushes to talk only to these 2000 unelected people. He should be talking only to the elected chiefs and let the protesters deal with the courts. That would be leadership, of which Justin does not offer. Any agreement made with the Hereditary Chiefs will be worthless. They make their own laws, while Ottawa disregards enforcing the law of the land. Soon the troublemakers will be back again demanding changes.
Without investment in the North, the young living there have no future. The Hereditary Chiefs, along with Justin, have told investors to go elsewhere They do not want their people to have good paying jobs. They want to keep them poor so the unelected chiefs can keep power. These leaders do not believe in law and order, let alone democracy. Honoring elected chiefs is no longer an option.
Justin has made it abundantly clear he hates Western Canada and the energy sector. For the past four years he has told all foreign investors to go elsewhere. It is estimated that $80b of investment left Canada, with even more leaving everyday. Even Warren Buffett took Justin’s advice and pulled $4b from a Quebec LNG project.
Justin prefers us to buy oil every month from countries with horrible human rights records such as Saudi Arabia. It costs Canada over three billion dollars every year; money that should be used buying Canadian oil. Saskatchewan and Alberta can easily meet Eastern Canada’s demand. His policies have destroyed well over 100,000 high paying jobs, plus many families. He does not care since he is making Saudi Arabia rich.
Justin has no concept of his job. He is supposedly Canada’s chief officer and has the final say with approval of Parliament. He alone can order the police to obey court orders. Yet he passes-off the choice to others.
The bottom line is Justin must go today. He has no knowledge of basic economics. He believes to borrow as much as possible and spend it even faster - then repeat. For the year ending this month he will add another $72.9m to the national debt. Canada is slowly heading into bankruptcy. Unemployment is set to rise substantially. His sole concern is power for himself. He does not care one bit about the First Nations. He just wants the protesters to love him. If it was not for a healthy U.S. economy, ours would have tanked under his leadership years ago.
The good new is that once Justin disappears billions of investment dollars will flow into Canada and we could easily become one of the best places in the world to invest. Canada needs a leader who puts Canada’s well being first, believes in the law of the land, and acts accordingly.