Track Record (March 1,2004-February 29,2024)


Past trades generated 39 wins and 4 losses.   31% of gains were received in dividends.

Past Recommendations Compound Annual Growth Rate:


Sacola Financial Ltd: 18.07% (Average holding period 3.25 years)

TSX: 4.6% CAGR (March 2004 to February 2024)  

DJIA: 6.8% CAGR (March 2004 to February 2024)   

Current recommendations have a dividend yield on invested capital ranging from 5% to 27%.



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Only six years ago Canada was one of the most respected, successful, and wealthy countries on earth.  Since then, we have been walking on a slippery slope with no bottom in sight. We are now looked at as a bunch of fools led by climate extremists.  

The Liberals handling of Covid has made us broke. It is estimated that over the next 4 years our useless PM and bobblehead Finance Minister are planning to increase the debt to $1.5t.  With interest rates set to move higher, the cost of servicing our debt will move in lockstep.  The only way to make a dent in the debt will be severe budget cuts and higher taxes.  Trudeau does not understand the first but does the second well.  Between excessive debt, higher taxes, and climate extremism, Canada will lose any competitive advantage we have.   

Trudeau’s possible interest in Quebec’s Covid Revenue Agency’s health tax on the unvaccinated is asking for trouble and should have never been pondered by a PM of a country that prides itself on universal healthcare.  It is not about Covid or the medical system but rather politics. If it wasn’t why not levy the tax on the obese, drunk drivers and smokers years ago? The truth is our politicians are only concerned about power and they will do everything possible to take more control of our lives.

Trudeau wants a social credit system like China.  One that allows the government to monitor one’s activities and offer rewards or penalties-based on one’s behavior. The vax pass was step one and Canada was one of the first to implement, albeit on the provincial level first. Would you have thought that not being able to leave your own country or enter a gym without a vaccine passport a conspiracy theory a year ago? I would have laughed at anyone who told me that. But, as time moves on, the conspiracists appear to be winning. Canadians who believe these passports will disappear with Covid may be surprised. Trudeau is on record saying he respects China’s way of governing. He will try his hardest to keep the vaccine passport. Let’s not forget, he supports Bill C-10 which will censor the internet. Once a society gives up a little bit of rights, it is rare to get them back without severe pushback which there is none from Canadians.

The government has already been spying on us by tracking 33m Canadians via their cell phones during the first lockdown. It most likely has never stopped. The vax pass just makes it easier. Sadly, Canadians are fine with all this and are contributing to the downfall of what was once a well respected and free country. Do not worry though. We are not alone.  This is occurring across Europe, a mass of land that Canada helped defend against the same style of rule that much of the rich world is trying to impose on their own people today.

His only experience is apologising, which he does well. But, Trudeau is far from a leader. He passes everything onto the provinces and territories who are also lost. Thankfully, they’re attempting to tackle the issues. But unfortunately, the way governments have managed the virus has done more harm than good. Most business sectors are suffering in some form. Debt has hit record highs. Education has turned sub-par. No matter what one’s vaccine status is, you have lost freedoms and rights.  Tens of thousands lost their livelihoods because of mandates. Substance abuse has increased, and overdoses outnumbered Covid deaths in many parts of the country.  The list goes on. 

Covid was a lesson in failed government policy and management on a global scale. Healthcare has been in trouble for decades and Covid was the awakening.  When a few thousand people in ICU beds can wreak havoc nation-wide, we must face the facts; the issue is not the pandemic, but rather governance and it will only get worse with the aging Boomers. 

The B.C. Nurses Union offered to have every unvaccinated employee take a test before every shift.  The government said no because they love power over healthcare.  I am beginning to think by not keeping these people the government looks at saving millions of dollars in salaries rather than saving lives.  It is going to take a decade to re-staff our hospitals. Today’s policies make zero sense.  

Trudeau’s only solution is to fire and segregate all unvaccinated people, shut down the energy sector, divide the nation, and try to shut down the whole economy.  Why would any foreigner want to invest in Canada with such a regime in power?   

We are trying to keep our bullish outlook on Canada, but it will soon begin to deteriorate if we do not change our ways.   Depending on if we are allowed to take advantage of them, our resources are a source of wealth for centuries.  Unfortunately, our population is fine with our government limiting our potential and freedoms. One day Canadians will wake-up, but there will be pain felt to get to that moment. If one is young, a wise decision would be to leave Canada for the time being, at least until a few years after Trudeau is gone.  Parliament Hill is Canada’s number one problem and hopefully Ottawa changes its negative ways.  Failure to do so and Justin will be successful in making Canada a 3rd world country, something he obviously wants.

The world will head into deflation within the next 2 years. Interest rates will be increasing in 2022 and push asset prices lower like they always do. Government policies are also destroying trade which does not correct itself over night.  Maintain investing in sectors that are needed if the economy slows. This includes some resources, energy, finance, some tech, and utilities.  Make sure they have a history of increasing dividends. Stick to companies you are not afraid of holding for years.  Maintain a 30% cash position.