Track Record (March 1,2004-February 29,2024)


Past trades generated 39 wins and 4 losses.   31% of gains were received in dividends.

Past Recommendations Compound Annual Growth Rate:


Sacola Financial Ltd: 18.07% (Average holding period 3.25 years)

TSX: 4.6% CAGR (March 2004 to February 2024)  

DJIA: 6.8% CAGR (March 2004 to February 2024)   

Current recommendations have a dividend yield on invested capital ranging from 5% to 27%.



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Everything the Liberals do pushes our economy closer to third world status.  Whoever dreamed up the stupid Christmas GST holiday and a promise of a $250 cheque for most Canadians should be fired.  This is going to cost every small business to convert their accounting system, only to have to undo the change in two months. More importantly, we do not have the money, so the cheque is going to be from borrowed money meaning the debt mountain will grow for no benefit.

If Ottawa wants to boost the economy, just cut taxes a point so every business and consumer benefits. Justin lacks any useful education and understands nothing about business or economics but still he demands we do not question any of his policies, no matter how ridiculous they are.  His train of thought proves he has never had to save, worry about a budget, knows nothing about what profits mean to the economy and has no clue that excessive debt is destructive.  He is the perfect example of a Golden Spoon boy.

One shining example of his stupidity is his belief the public service sector can support the economy, even though it did the opposite when all of his favorite dictators in history tried. Trudeau’s bureaucracy is the fastest growing sector throughout Canada, increasing by 40.4%. This gives us one of the world’s biggest governments to the determent of the country.  What has this accomplished? Nothing other than the largest spending on consultants in our history. Trudeau and his incapable minions have spent $21.6b on consultants since January 2023.  This cost $550 for every breathing Canadian.  Have you noticed the great job they have done? We certainly have not.   All we have seen is increased regulations, rights being restricted, a flight of capital, more crime, the most homelessness since the Great Depression, a worsening medical system, and a deteriorating military. 

There is stil hope. I have spent time in 39 countries and one thing you notice quickly is that Canada has so many opportunities.  Our only issue is a lack of leadership.  There is no will from Ottawa to take advantage of our opportunities.  With Ottawa’s help we can become leaders in nuclear power, the cheapest form of energy.  Our biggest asset is fresh water.  It has helped to make the Prairies one of the world’s largest reliable sources of wheat.  We have billions worth of undiscovered minerals stretching across the land waiting to be mined. Our workforce is educated and skilled thanks to our post secondary education which is amongst the best in the world.  

Canada has some of the largest reserves of ethical oil and natural gas in the world that the world demands.  However, Trudeau being the savvy business man he is, tells our friends Germany and Japan to take a hike when they came begging for it. Right after this Germany signed a contract with Qatar to buy up to two million tonnes of theirs annually for fifteen years.  Trudeau gifted the steady steam of taxes and high paying jobs that came with that contract to the Middle East. 

The bottom line is the longer Trudeau clings to power, the longer Canada's recovery will take.  The debt will continue to grow out-of-control, foreign investment will avoid Canada, and  our cost of living will grow. The future is Canada if we want it.  Only Ottawa seems to want to destroy rather than prosper.  Let’s hope we get an election soon.  When we finally get a real government Canada will boom.