It is now known that the COVID-19 virus began in mid November. It was not until the first week of January when most world governments were told of the virus. Yet, most did nothing until about it until mid February. Our Minister of Health, Patty Hajdu, announced what a great job China was doing. Anyone who follows China knows you never believe what they say. Even today it is believed China has not reported the true death total which is estimated to be up to 50% more than reported.
Every day Justin continues throwing money out the door. Obviously, no thought has gone into these gifts as numbers appear to be picked out of thin air There is no clue on how much money is being handed out, nor, how and when then funds will be paid back. Ottawa is broke and they are making their finances worse with no prospects of better times. The truth is this is turning into a 100% mess.
To be fair he is trying to save people financially for next few months so they can re-arrange their finances. He is going about it the wrong way though. Ottawa should have dished out X amount to every Canadian over 18 for a few months no matter their employment status. If they did not need the funds to cover living costs, they should be forced to use the money towards debt, then savings and discretionary spending after that. It would cost more in the short term but save in the long run.
Justin has used the virus to try and make himself Canada’s first ‘First Supreme Leader’. First, he tried to get a law passed that would give him free rein to borrow, tax, and spend as much as he wanted until the end of 2021. In effect Parliament would not be required. Last month he tried to end “Freedom of Speech” throughout Canada when he attempted to decide what was to be reported. Thankfully, once the public caught on what he was doing he backed off.
Parliament has been in session and hardly any of the Members show up. They have been missing in action for months hiding behind Covid even though they would have been given the best protective gear. Yet, this bunch allow health/ home care workers to wear second-rate protection. Why can’t our politicians wear the same protective clothing as home/health care workers and show up for work? Why do they not put in plastic shields around their desks in the House of Commons? Banks and groceries stores can do it why not Ottawa?
Governments and corporations across the globe are cutting wages while Ottawa just gave each Member of Parliament their annual $5,000 salary increase. A handful have said they will donate it to charity. Note, not one refused the increases. You and I as taxpayer will have to come up with roughly $1,400 for the tax deduction to the charity giver.
It is scary that the bunch in Ottawa are supposed to bring us out of the pandemic economy and make Canada prosper - what a dim prospect. Ottawa needs to be cleaned out today. They are making it impossible for a fast recovery and destroying Canada and its finances. If they do not start to withdraw all the free money immediately be prepared for a 60-cent dollar. This will cause all Canadians to become substantially poorer. But, do not worry, the self-serving politicians in Ottawa will take care of themselves.