Ottawa cares nothing about our elderly. For those seniors who do have savings tend to put their money into savings accounts and insured GICs. Today, rates earn nothing after taxes and inflation. In fact, money as we know it is losing value. Many retirees face a bleak future. It can force many to move to cheaper accommodations and be forced to cut back on needed medicines.
The Liberal Party has no clue how hard it is becoming for the elderly. Most politicians do not care. Yet they have just given themselves a $5,000 pay raise while most governments around the world have cut their salaries. This means their ‘gold plated’ government pension, which they get after only six years of service, will automatically increase. This pension is protected from inflation and each past and present member of Parliament gets free medical and often discounted air fares. All the elected members of Parliament have said little but are willing to take a huge pay increase. This is at a time when so many Canadians are losing their jobs or taking pay cuts. Shame on all of them!
Ottawa has no idea what our nations finances are. This is the first time in our history when no one knows what the true financial picture is. The Finance Minister refuses to disclose last years spending because even he does not know what it is. It is not surprising considering he has no clue what his personal bills are. To the common Canadian, WE would notice a $200 expense off the bat. Not Morneau though! He conveniently overlooked $40,000 worth of travel expenses from a trip to see the progress of the Liberals beloved WE foundation.
No one knows exactly how broke Ottawa is or how big the government debt truly is. Lack-Of-Ethics Justin is only interested in giving us our children’s money so he can be loved. He neglects to mention our future generations will have to repay all this ‘free’ money. He clearly does not understand there is only one taxpayer.
Justin has been using the virus to set himself up as the closest thing to a dictator that democracy will allow. He admires that type of power. He thinks Castro was great. He loves Xi Jinping who let his dad roam around China during WWII so he did not get drafted. Justin is one of those people who believe he knows what is best for you. Who needs Parliament is his belief?
Justin is independently wealthy because of inheritance. He has never had to worry about a job. He has never been responsible for sustaining jobs, let alone creating them. He does not understand the importance of profit. Being a Golden Spoon Boy, he has never had to save or watch his spending. But only he knows what Canadians need.
Hypocritically, his family fortune was founded on oil. His grandfather owned gas stations throughout Quebec. Yet, since becoming so-called Prime Minister, he has tried to destroy the whole energy sector. So far, he has eliminated 900,000 full-time jobs. Most paying above the average income.
Canada needs desperately to clean house. If there is not a change, Canada is toast. We need new leadership, not a bunch of puppets like we have today in Ottawa. We need new programs and legislation to create economic growth and reasonable tax revenue for all governments. Canada has the greatest opportunities in the world, but we are sliding backwards due to zero leadership in Ottawa.