One for the Greens

The Climate Change party in Glasgow was a success for the Greens. The rich and powerful warned of impending doom because of climate change. Even Jeff Bezos warned of rising sea levels while behind the scenes bragged about his new $70 million ocean front home. Over 400 private jets flew into Glasgow and then had to fly all over the place to park because there were not enough spaces locally. After the party, the jets returned to Glasgow and took their few passengers back home emitting CO2 that could have been limited if fewer large aircraft were used.
Justin appointed a climate extremist to Environmental Minister. He is bent on destroying Canada’s fossil fuel industry. Both have no idea what to replace it with. By inhibiting cheap energy, the Liberals are determined to make Canada a 3rd world country. The cheapest form of reliable energy is the main ingredient in the recipe of a healthy economy. Energy prices are the same as taxes – they eat away both business and household disposable income which is responsible for all commerce and investment. By encouraging a switch to more costly energy, our nation will become non-competitive with those who do not fall for this trap.
Columbia is the biggest coal exporter in South America. Three weeks ago, they announced they will be increasing production to meet the growing demand from countries like China. Of course, there was not a word from the dedicated Greens.
China announced that coal will be their main source of power for the next 50 years. One cannot blame them. Coal is the cheapest form of energy; the average household income is low and there is roughly 400 years’ worth of reserves. Does anyone think places like China, Africa and most of South America will give up their coal so they can spend more money on less reliable forms of energy? I doubt it because spending more on economic inputs such as energy hinders development. More importantly, relying on intermittent energy like solar and wind cannot be trusted for keeping the lights on and keeping your population from freezing. Last winter in Texas is a prime example.
Natural Gas, nuclear, hydro, and geothermal are the cheapest and cleanest forms of energy. Not one form of renewable energy comes close in price and efficiency overtime. Yet Greens are against all four because they create carbon dioxide. Instead, they prefer energy that is more expensive, has its own way of disrupting surrounding habitat, consumes far more land and water, has a similar carbon footprint, and makes very little difference to the climate, if any at all.
Thanks to the Greens, Parts of North America and Europe are short of energy. Winds have been disappearing around the U.K. shutting down the wind turbines. This is not uncommon. Russia sees this as an opportunity to blackmail Europe which went green and are now paying the price. Canada could have helped to solve the mess with the West-to- East Pipeline, but the climate activists put an end to that. This would have been a steady and reliable source of natural gas for Europe and Asian countries. More importantly, it would have created thousands of jobs and billions in tax revenue for Ottawa and the provinces to squander.
There will always be a use for solar and wind power. Just on a smaller scale. The future will remain with the fossil fuels, hydro, and thermal power. Hydrogen will also become a common source of energy over the next decade. Everything else is going to be too expensive and unreliable.
Your home heating bill this winter is just a taste of what to expect for years to come. It will be a direct result of Green policies. The Greens have been winning but market forces will take note of the destruction they are doing and force change. The reality is that over the next 50 years coal, oil, natural gas, hydro, nuclear and geothermal power will be the main source of energy.