Post Election Depression

There was one group who won big thanks to the election - the Greens. They have made great strides the past few years in trying to turn Canada into a 3rd world country thanks to our useless Trudeau government. The Greens want to shut down our whole energy sector and replace it with renewable, and rechargeable, both which require huge amounts of mining, water, oil and natural gas and so many other resources to build and maintain. The result will be substantially higher energy costs with no change to the climate.
We believe Justin will be run out of office within 2 years by the people behind the scenes of the Liberal Party because he has caused billions of investment monies to leave Canada. To date it is estimated over $665b has left the country since Justin took office, most from the energy sector. It will never return so long as Justin continues to be PM. He does not understand that the energy sector is the country’s biggest tax generator and job creator. Plus, we have one of the lowest amounts of GHG, at roughly 1.2% of the world total. China, India, Russia, and the U.S. each produce 15% of GHG’s. Yet, Trudeau considers us the worst offender.
Ottawa for some unknown reason refuses to take advantage of all the Free Trade agreements we are a part of. Perhaps it is because Trudeau is embarrassed that world leaders laugh at him. Most countries including the U.S. are avoiding Canada because we are directionless and not reliable. A perfect example is the slow but deliberate destruction of our military. England is preparing to help Canada defend our Arctic from both China and Russia who plan to take it over in the next decade. To date Canada is doing zero to protect our Arctic, making it easier for the two.
There is a good chance that Justin will prorogue Parliament again if he feels he will be kicked out of office. This time he will place no time limit. He will use dictator policies to keep himself in power. Justin will not leave peacefully because he is addicted to power. He is on record that he wants to be PM for life. He praises China’s one person government, which is what he wants. He has announced he will re-introduce Bill C-10 that gives Ottawa control over what the Press can report. Ironically, it the same as what China has.
After the election results the Toronto Stock Market moved higher. We are guessing investors must expect more of the same - plenty of free money for those who do not want to work, which will make it harder for businesses to rebuild. This is about to end. Canada cannot afford to do so. If they do, there is a good chance our dollar will slide to $0.70US within 2 years and will cause prices of imports to rise. The consumer is already going to experience higher taxes and interest rates, just imagine the effect a cheaper Loonie will have on disposable income.
I was hoping to hear at least one politician tell us what they will do for Canada as a whole. Instead, they all tried to bribe separate regions. Not one talked about our military which has been underfunded for years. They not once mentioned about the Carbon Tax, which is set to go up again next year. There was not a comment by anyone about COVID, nor about the rising overdose and crime rates across Canada. Surprisingly, not one mentioned how they are going to fight climate change (not that we care, it was a nice break).
Sadly, our new government is filled with the same useless politicians. This means Canada will continue down the road to becoming a 3rd world country. Our potential as a country is the best in the world, but it will not be released until at least a year after the Liberal party is out, and the next PM figures out how to unravel the mess Justin has made of this country. Canada did not deserve the treatment it has suffered over the past 6 years. And now we are stuck with in it for another four.