This election is an embarrassment! The Liberals and NDP promise nothing but spending as if money grows on trees. One wants a wealth tax, which has been a failure in every country because money travels to the highest return. Both back the Carbon Tax which taxes us for the activities of the three largest emitters of pollution in the world. They do not understand money always flows to where it is welcomed. Taxes deter investment, destroy jobs and lowers the standard of living for the average person.
Both leaders have their family money tied up in Trusts which pay no tax. Taxing this financial instrument would raise more money than any wealth tax would. Even though both are wealthy and backed by the most generous pension in the world, Singh and Trudeau will never recommend this because they do not want their wealth shrink like the majority are experiencing via higher taxes coupled with higher inflation. I notice that both Trudeau and Singh have not once complained that every Canadian taxpayer is already faced with high taxes and will be going forward.
Both have not provided any idea how we are to repay the debt Justin has borrowed or how their new spending will be paid for. Since Ottawa is broke, they will have to borrow more money just to pay the interest on the growing debt. All that interest creates no jobs or wealth. Interest is the biggest waste of money in our financial system. Our worst ever Finance Minister, Ms. Freeland, said spending money is what they do, and she (and Justin) will continue to do so, with zero plan to cut down on borrowing. By not cutting down on their spending there can be no tax cuts. It is estimated that if Ottawa ever grows up and decides to pay down the debt it could take up to 75 years. Shame on all of Ottawa.
The Green Party is promising to shut down all oil production without one recommendation how to replace the goods it produces. Furthermore, there is not one economically viable alternative that can compete with liquid energy. Even renewable energy relies on oil by-products and fossil fuels for back-up. Greens have never offered a plan to replace soaps, plastics, medicines and so on. Ridding the country of resource development will result in the loss of millions high paying jobs. They have not explained what will replace all those lost jobs. Thankfully they have no chance of being voted into power.
Our dollar dropped over a cent against the U.S. $ when the election was called. We predict that if one of the 2 Golden Spoon boys win the election our dollar will drop to 70 cents within 2 years. This will automatically increase our international debt burden by 11% and cause inflation since our imports will cost more. This will force Ottawa to raise more money to meet higher interest payments. As it is, Ottawa’s spending is out-of-control with no sign they will ever stop. The Consecutives at least say they will try to balance the books within 10 years. An easy plan to cut the deficit is to get rid of at least half of the 37 cabinets. No one will miss the bureaucracy and it will save taxpayers billions of dollars.
Not one politician has mentioned what they will do for Canada as a whole. They shamefully try to bribe us all. Not one politician mentions how they will get us more doctors, nurses, and home caregivers. Other than Quebec, they do not mention giving money for old folk’s homes, which was promised by Trudeau when COVID became front page news.
At least the Conservatives offer a choice. Tax credits for having children are cheaper and more productive than doling out free money. Mr. O’Toole spent 5 years as a military helicopter pilot. He knows that the whole military must be rebuilt. Justin has basically made our military an embarrassment to the rest of the world. A prosperous country always takes care of it’s military. Canada does not under Trudeau and will not under the NDP.
Canada must do something to attract quality people into politics. Running a country requires skill and educated people who understand economics, world trade, exploiting the resources we are blessed with, the importance of military, and most importantly have love for the whole country. People who want power for themselves are always destructive. This is exactly what has taken place in Ottawa for the past 6 years.